She only has 5 teeth but loves eating whatever we are eating. Unfortunately one of her favorite snacks is Arthur's (Our Dog) food. She runs over to the bowl puts a few pieces in her mouth refills her hand and runs over to Arthur and puts a snack in his mouth. The kids do a great job of tattling on her when she gets close to the dog food. Cory commented the other day - at least we buy good quality dog food.
She loves to climb the stairs and luckily hasn't had any big spills yet.
She is very much a people person and loves to interact with others. She loves waving and saying "Hola"
Abigail's personality is really starting to shine. She loves playing with her friends. There are 5 girls in our housing addition that are the same age. I have been thrilled because just recently the doorbell has started ringing and its a neighbor wanting Abigail to play. I think she held back for a while because of the language but now after being in school for a while she is really doing well.
Last week our neighbor Monica came over and they made chocolate chip cookies.
The kids took a week long summer Gymnastics class. They went 4 hours a day and learned Karate, Floor, Horse, Bars, Rings, Trampoline etc. Every day before class they wanted me to take their picture. This was on their first day. At the end of the week they had a presentation for the parents - it was a lot of fun to watch them have so much fun.
The pictures of Hannah on the trike is so adorable. She is getting so big! We love looking at your pictures. Some of Abigail's expressions remind me of my sister's. (That is a good thing, I think. Some were ornery expressions and some were just 'look at me-I'm so cute' expressions! Josiah looks like he is the best big brother! I hope Canaan can be a good one someday too. We think and talk of you all often.
Hey, Toni. I was just reading through your site. Wow, what beautiful children you have. Kris and I hope we have beautiful children (Of course, only if they take after her, ha). I didn't know you had a blog but found it on Nancy's site! Anyways, just wanted to say hello! :)
Toni- great pictures. I had to laugh at the quality dog food comment by Cory - totally sounds like him!
Let's plan a time to catch up on Skype.
Bye for now,
p.s. can you believe our little Amy Jo Jo started AIM this weekend?
Hey, Toni! I love your site - the pictures are great - and the news is fun too. I tried to email you Logan's address but ran into a snag that I've got to figure out and thought this would be quicker. It's
Thanks for being interested!
Thanks, too, for calling to check on me yesterday - that was really sweet. I love you! Barb
Hey, You. I didn't know you had one of these. Cool. I love your kids. They are going to have such cool stories from Mexico when they're older. Love you.
Hey Toni, great pictures of the kids!
By the way, thanks for letting Cory come up for a couple of days, we had a great time hanging out with him and Tim!
Also, my husband is dying for me to get that recipe for the chili you made at the retreat (which in no way tasted like wolfe brand, hormel maybe, but not wolfe brand...just kidding). If you don't mind e-mailing that I would be very greatful! If you don't have my address just let me know and I'll call or something! You could also send it to Chris' address if you have his! Anyways, I'll talk to you later!
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